Copenhagen Open is a mostly annual skate event that consists of a lot of riding hotel rental bikes with your board strapped to the rack to skate spots around the city for wild little jams/contests. There is a lot of free time where everyone gets to go skate street, skate one of the tons of public parks/spots, or eat/drink/swim – whatever you want. This year I packed my Dreamer and did some riding recon and planned about a dozen routes to pick from so I could go on some quick rides before everyone woke up . Might have been the best decision I have made in quite some time. Aside from my connecting flight getting cancelled/rebooked putting me on a smaller regional flight that did not include my luggage or bike it went flawless lol. I got the bike delivered to my hotel about 30hrs after arrival and quickly built it back up and prepped everything so I could get out first thing in the morning.
LOL look at the elevation! I dont think I have ever ridden so much flatground, it was so sick! Cool change from the hills at home thats for sure. Would it get boring after some time, probably, but what doesn’t.
Everywhere I rode was on some sort of surface without cars. There were times that I was on a single track, could see a gravel trail next to it, and a paved path near that one. I think the only time I was on a road with any sort of cars was on the south end and it wasn’t for any long distance before a bike path came up.
On the fourth morning (Scuba overslept lol) I made my way out to some single track I kept seeing pop up on the internet. Made it, stopped for a photo and realized quickly that EVERY time I stopped for a photo I would be swarmed by mosquitos. When I first entered the trails I honestly couldnt believe what I was riding/seeing. It was so different from what I was used to and I was having the best time…for the first 3 sections. The trails were broken into, I think, 18 sections or so and 4-10 FUCKING SUCKED lol. Nah they were sick but I sure as shit sucked at them. not the whole sections but enough to make you forget how much fun 1-3 was. Some of the trails were built with rocks shoved into the ground, so that was dope having my 48’s slide between the damp rocks in-between each other. Yeah, damp, slippery rocks. There was even a berm laid down with these, so sketch. Then from 10 on it got better, gradually getting to the point of HELL YEAH again. Say 11-18 was the shit. Would I go again, yup, id just figure out how to piece the ones I liked together.
Scuba got bike and joined me on a couple of the rides as well. The first one we went just south of the hotel and goofed off on dirt for most of it, then rode the path by the water (gnats!) on the way back.
The last day we had Hans, our friends dad who is now our friend, meet us in Dyrehave a little north of the city and take us on the absolute sickest ride. One that you would NEVER be able to duplicate without growing up in that area, or hiring him – which I HIGHLY recommend.
All kinds of surfaces we rode on and some on the last day I didn’t shoot beach it was too damn fun and Hans was fast as hell! Lugging this bike over to Denmark was well worth it and if I had thought about doing it earlier I would have 100% extended my trip for at least a couple more days.