Glendora Mountain/Ridge Roads Ride

Last week I met up with Matt, Cheech, and Scuba for a ride up the beautiful Glendora Mountain Road and Glendora Ridge Road to Mt. Baldy Lodge for veggie chili cheese fries. The road is closed a lot of random times throughout the year (extreme heat, wind, landslides, ice, holidays etc) and to be honest, if you live here and haven’t ridden it your kind of blowing it.

There is also a few option for routing your self there, and even more ways back home or to your car. I had never ridden a straight out and back so was stoked to do that this time – totaling 44 miles and about 5400ft round trip.

We always bring something to eat on the way there as well. All of you in WordPress land are probably faster than us (Axel waited for us at Baldy for over an hour one time) and might not need food, but there’s so many spots to stop and take breaks at so why wouldn’t you? We also won a bobcat sighting on the back…with the stupid go pro wide angle its basically impossible to tell but you’ll have to trust me.