Two Dreamy Evasions

Latané just wrapped up this pair of custom Evasions for a customer and his partner. Damn they turned out good! This is actually the second pair of Evasions he’s had the pleasure of building in the past two or three months. I figured this would be a good pair to shoot some photos of and do a quick build breakdown of each of them. Check it out:

For me this is the perfect geared Evasion. I’m so smitten with this build, I wish I could build one of my own! Here’s what all is going on here:

And this is the perfect companion to the big blue Evasion up top! This Steppy is no slouch. I think it really shows just how great the Step Thru Evasion can be. Check it out:

Building up a dream rig for a person is probably my favorite part of working at Crust and I reckon Latané would say the same. There’s nothing better than having a part in facilitating excellent experiences on two wheels. Holler at us ( if you’re ever interested in having a complete build done, we’d be more than happy to work with you.